Profile highlights

Mar 28th 2025
Written by Circa

Hey y'all, things have been slow around here in terms of development, a lot of it has been behind the scenes or small fixes here and there. I do have a few cool things to share this time though!

Profile Highlights

Now you can select any of your skins to highlight at the top of your profile in much bigger and more flashy fashion. You can technically feature as many as you'd like, but I recommend sticking to 2 because it looks the best with the way it is laid out.

To choose your highlights, head to the star icon in the top left of your profile. Click the checkbox on the ones you'd like and head back to your profile to see them displayed!

Keep in mind, the way I have this set up now is to use the 2nd screenshot in the screenshot order. I did this because I know a lot of people prefer to cater their first screenshot to that square thumbnail, which would not end up looking the best on this layout. So if you also want to start catering your images to the highlights, you can, just order the one you want as #2.

Profile mobile redesign

Another change I made is to the look of the mobile view of profiles. Before it was essentiall just a squashed view of the desktop view. I catered it a little more to smaller screens so they look much nicer now.

Profile pagination

Some of you guys are skin making machines, with a ton of skins on your profile. I somehow did not think to add pages to profiles before, but after seeing the crazy long list of skins on some profiles, I went ahead and did that. So now profiles will list up to 10 skins on the profile at a time, with page numbers below to see more.

Random fixes

Other than those recent changes, the last few months have had a few major/minor fixes. Here's a quick short list of things.

  • Fixed an issue where submitting a skin allowed you to submit without an upload or a link
  • External links can be added separate from uploads, so you can have both
  • Uploads used to all be dumped into one directory on the server, now each submission has its own folder for files related to its file ID (before someone could completely overwrite a file if it was named the same, regardless of who uploaded it)
  • Increased allowed description length
  • Fixed being allowed to post a blank comment
  • Hid the featured skins section due to lack of activity
  • A ton of other small fixes here and there

Thanks to all that have been using the site and providing feedback. The main goal of this website is to provide it's core function and I'm happy to polish it up as time goes on. It's been a fun project and helps me with using this code structure on a future project as well!


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