DeltaStyles launches!

May 6th 2024
Written by Circa

After a couple weeks of testing and fixing, is now open to all. Thank you to all who submitted their skins during the testing soft launch. Lots of bugs were fixed around the site thanks to your efforts. Now I am confident in it enough to officially label it as 1.0 and launch to the public and begin promoting it around.

What is

This website is dedicated to hosting downloads to skins created by the community for the iOS emulator app called Delta. Anyone can submit their skins as long as they have an account. Skins are set as pending approval until a staff member reviews it as appropriate, but otherwise it is a fairly streamlined process.

How do I find skins?

You can find skins on the home page, the console system pages, tag pages, user profiles, and search. Users that submit skins set certain tags and the console that the skin is for when they fill out the form, so it makes finding skins for certain criteria easier. For example, one tag is "Standard Screens" for skins that support iPhones with a touch ID home button.

How do I submit my own skins?

First, create an account. Then fill out this form. For an extensive guide on submitting skins, read this.

How do I create my own skins?

Creating skins for Delta can be a daunting task, but luckily this guide can help you through it.


Discussion on Discord for this site is currently found at this thread. If you run into a problem or have feedback, I recommend posting it there.

Thanks again!



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