Joined: 2024-05-13

howdy there! my name's lilly (aka kearner/kearnerr/lillion) and i'm a graphic designer who likes to make fun and silly things.


i do some art in my spare time though im far from a pro, i love valorant and star rail and goofy little dating sims.


if you want to commission your own skin, coding for your custom skin, or otherwise, check out my ko-fi! thanks for hangin' out.


This member's skins

GBA SP Silver Theme
2024-05-13 7:00PM

π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a GBA skin for delta featuring the look and feel of the original silver GBA SP, with a GBAthemed landscape version as well. this skin SHOULD work for iPad AND iPhone on both landscape and portrait versions, but imo looks best on iPhone in portrait mode. it DOES NOT support splitscreen portrait mode for iPad! i'd also like to mention that i don't have an iPad myself to test on, so if there's any issues don't hesitate to reach out and i'll

Clear Candy Shell DS Themes
2024-05-13 3:58PM

π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a set candy shellthemed skins for delta, in a boatload of colours including: cherry red, sakura pink, atomic purple, cobalt blue, moss green, seafoam aqua, sunset orange, canary yellow, and snow white which is slightly offwhite due to the underlying PCB image. please note that this is for the DS emulator only at the moment and won't work for other emulators like the N64 or GBA and so on! π˜π˜•π˜šπ˜›π˜ˆπ˜“π˜“π˜ˆπ˜›π˜π˜–π˜• To use, download the appropriate skin

PokΓ©sticker DS Theme (Yellow, Pink, Blue)
2024-05-13 3:49PM

π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a single delta emulator skin theme featuring a cute pokeacutesticker theme and pastel colours. please note that this is for the DS emulator only at the moment and won't work for other emulators like the N64 or GBA and so on! π˜π˜•π˜šπ˜›π˜ˆπ˜“π˜“π˜ˆπ˜›π˜π˜–π˜• To use, download the appropriate skin file for your emulated system of choice. This file will be a .deltaskin file, which you thenupload to your app. Click on the settings wheel in the top left, then unde