Joined: 2024-06-19

I just like making skins.


This member's skins

WiiUDS AirPlay - New AirPlay Skin for NDS
2024-07-28 10:07AM

New AirPlay skin for screencasting NDS. Supports all iOS devices across edgetoedge, standard iPhones and iPads. As of 130724, WiiUDS is incompatible with the latest update of Delta v1.6 on iPad. Revised iPad skins will be released in the coming weeks. If you have the older version of Delta on your iPad, the skin will continue to function until the app is updated. Select BS skins for screencasting the top screen to an external display through AirPlay. Select TS skins for games suitable for top screenonly gameplay. iPad support will be released in the coming weeks.

WiiUDS Black - New skin release for NDSv2
2024-06-30 5:41PM

Update: Portrait skins released. All new WiiUDS Black skin for NDS. Supports all compatible iPhones. As of 130724, WiiUDS is incompatible with the latest update of Delta v1.6 on iPad. Revised iPad skins will be released in the coming weeks. If you have the older version of Delta on your iPad, the skin will continue to function until the app is updated. Portrait: Control the CStick by dragging your finger over the circular area. Release your finger to reset the CStick's position to the center. Landscape: Reversible top and bottom screens Simultaneous thumbstick and DPad input Minor improvements to button mapping and overall skin design

WiiUDS White - A DS Skin with dual control inputv3
2024-06-30 5:36PM

Update: Portrait skins released. Landscape skins are now grouped into groups V1 and V2. See images above for reference. A white DS skin simulating the WiiU layout. The first DS skin with dual input thumbsticks and DPad. Supports all compatible iPhone models. As of 130724, WiiUDS is incompatible with the latest update of Delta v1.6 on iPad. Revised iPad skins will be released in the coming weeks. If you have the older version of Delta on your iPad, the skin will continue to function until the app is updated. Portrait: Control the CStick by dragging your finger over the circular area. Release your finger to reset the CStick's position to the center. Lands