Gameboy Advance
Features include: ExtraLarge buttons use up the most optimal space available Easyaccess Quick Save and Quick Load buttons Custom DPad removes accidental diagonal inputs Highestquality game resolution Handcrafted graphics This was my first attempt at realism. ...
A darkthemed GBA skin for the Delta emulator for iOS. Includes standard and edgetoedge sizes in portrait orientation. ...
My fifth skin GBA AVAILABLE IN 6 COLOURS!!! has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X an...
An elegant style to enjoy emulation to the fullest Optimized for maximum comfort when playing on a bigger tablet screen Distraction free dark theme for better immersion ...
GBA4iOS 2.0 Skin Supports Standard, EdgeToEdge, and iPad displays. Skins are originally created by Riley Testut for use with the old GBA4iOS app. I merely made them compatible with Delta. ...
Custom moon and stars controller skin for GBA consoles. Only supports edgetoedge devices currently. Features include: ExtraLarge buttons use up the most optimal space available Easyaccess Quick Save and Quick Load buttons Custom DPad removes accidental diagon...
GBA4iOS 1.6.2 Skins EdgeToEdge displays have support for the portrait and full screen skins only. The half screen skin will not be supported in the future. Standard displays have support for all skins. iPad support will not happen, as the original GBA4iOS...
Who knows when the OP anime will end... Luffy has shown up in the second edition of my Anime Icons series, also featuring Dragon Ball characters!...
Features include: ExtraLarge buttons use up the most optimal space available Easyaccess Quick Save and Quick Load buttons Custom DPad removes accidental diagonal inputs Contrasting design for use in any lighting condition Highestquality game resolution Retro f...
RIP AKIRA TORIYAMA Dragon Ball's Vegito flies in as the first star of a series featuring the most pivotal and influential anime characters to exist! Expect more characters and supported platforms in the future....
Legacy GBA4iOS Color Skins Purple Black White Red Orange Blue Green Yellow Supports Standard, EdgeToEdge, and iPad displays. Skins are originally created by Riley Testut for use with the old GBA4iOS app. I merely made them compatible with Delta...
SimpleFullscreen is a GBA skin utilizing the biggest possible screen size. SFS offers a minimal, modern design and a few QoL features over the default skins: QuickSave and QuickLoad buttons. FastForward button. Biggest possible screen size. Transparent m...
poketGBAa delta skin aimed to bring the GBA look to Delta Features Supports EdgetoEdge iPhones only for now Landscape only for now Available in LIGHT and DARK mode Fast Forward by tapping screen Quicksave by tapping delta icon Quickload by tapping delta unde...
Edgetoedge landscape GBA skin for iPhone with A and B buttons fitted for a more ergonomic grip. Not flashy Not made for ants Normal landscape fit also included but not tested ...
A minimalistic skin for Delta. Always found it odd that the default skins are not simple like this, so I made my own. Original version was made over a decade ago, Redux was made in 2024 after Delta launched on the app store. This one is for GBA. iPad is suppo...