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2024-05-14 7:39AM


Game with style and grace! Features: Custom Dpad for precise movement Fast forward button Portrait and Landscape modes Custom artwork Currently only for edgetoedge screens.



2024-05-13 9:47PM


NES FAMICOM it has a 'controller' portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated

GBA SP Silver Theme


2024-05-13 7:00PM


π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a GBA skin for delta featuring the look and feel of the original silver GBA SP, with a GBAthemed landscape version as well. this skin SHOULD work for iPad AND iPhone on both landscape and portrait versions, but imo looks best on iPhone in portrait mode. it DOES NOT support splitscreen portrait mode for iPad! i'd also like to mention that i don't have an iPad myself to test on, so if there's any issues don't hesitate to reach out and i'll

Clear Candy Shell DS Themes


2024-05-13 3:58PM


π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a set candy shellthemed skins for delta, in a boatload of colours including: cherry red, sakura pink, atomic purple, cobalt blue, moss green, seafoam aqua, sunset orange, canary yellow, and snow white which is slightly offwhite due to the underlying PCB image. please note that this is for the DS emulator only at the moment and won't work for other emulators like the N64 or GBA and so on! π˜π˜•π˜šπ˜›π˜ˆπ˜“π˜“π˜ˆπ˜›π˜π˜–π˜• To use, download the appropriate skin

PokΓ©sticker DS Theme (Yellow, Pink, Blue)


2024-05-13 3:49PM


π˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜”π˜š amp π˜Šπ˜–π˜•π˜‹π˜π˜›π˜π˜–π˜•π˜š Any designs are for personal use only. Credit is required for reposts and sharing but you are welcome to share amp post! Reselling and redistributing is against my terms amp conditions. π˜žπ˜π˜ˆπ˜› 𝘐𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜π˜š? this is a single delta emulator skin theme featuring a cute pokeacutesticker theme and pastel colours. please note that this is for the DS emulator only at the moment and won't work for other emulators like the N64 or GBA and so on! π˜π˜•π˜šπ˜›π˜ˆπ˜“π˜“π˜ˆπ˜›π˜π˜–π˜• To use, download the appropriate skin file for your emulated system of choice. This file will be a .deltaskin file, which you thenupload to your app. Click on the settings wheel in the top left, then unde

Atomic NDS1.2


2024-05-13 2:40AM


A translucent purple NDS skin for Delta! I wanted a design that reminded me of classic Nintendo handhelds with seethrough plastic like the Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance that revealed all the internal hardware. I've incorporated an iPhone teardown photo as the background, layered with lots of plasticlike textures, highlights, and shadows to get that translucent effect. Two versions: Standard version with a larger top screen Alternate version with equal screen sizes For now, it only works with edgetoedge iPhones in portrait mode. For the latest iPhones, the dynamic island should be hidden. Updated: Tap and hold on the top screen to Fast Forward.iP



2024-05-12 1:39PM


A fullscreen NDS portrait skin made for Standard devices only. Using Simple NDS skin by felix6506 as a base, it has quick SaveLoad and supports transparency. The Delta logo is the menu button

Line Skin GBA


2024-05-12 12:54PM


A simple landscape GBA skin made for Standard devices only. It has quick SaveLoad, hold or toggle fast forwarding, and supports transparency.



2024-05-12 6:56AM


This GBA FAMICOM MICRO Style Skin has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated



2024-05-11 6:03AM


Features include: ExtraLarge buttons use up the most optimal space available Easyaccess Quick Save and Quick Load buttons Custom DPad removes accidental diagonal inputs Highestquality game resolution Handcrafted graphics This was my first attempt at realism. Hence the working name of SKEUO, based on the word 'skeuomorph'. Right now the skin is only finished for edgetoedge iPhones in Portrait mode only. I hope you enjoy this skin and future releasesupdates.

GBA4iOS 2.0 - GBC1.1


2024-05-11 3:20AM


GBA4iOS 2.0 Skin GBC Supports Standard, EdgeToEdge, and iPad displays. Skins are originally created by Riley Testut for use with the old GBA4iOS app. I merely made them compatible with Delta.

Legacy GBA4iOS (All Colors) - GBC1.1


2024-05-11 3:16AM


Legacy GBA4iOS Color Skins GBC Purple Black White Red Orange Blue Green Yellow Supports Standard, EdgeToEdge, and iPad displays. Skins are originally created by Riley Testut for use with the old GBA4iOS app. I merely made them compatible with Delta.



2024-05-10 1:05PM


NTSCUSA version of my SNES skin, it has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated

Retro 2DS Pack

2024-05-08 2:45AM


About The Retro 2DS Pack pays homage to the Nintendo 2DS by recreating its launch colors and new colors for the Delta Emulator skins. Featuring large screen sizes and is built around the Dynamic IslandNotch to make sure you can enjoy every pixel of your game. This pack features the following colors: Crimson Red 1 Electric Blue 1 Crimson Red 2 Electric Blue 2 Scarlet Red Info Supports the iPhone X and newer Includes the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.

Retro New 3DS Pack

2024-05-08 2:41AM


About The Retro New 3DS Pack pays homage to the New Nintendo 3DS by recreating its launch colors for the Delta Emulator skins. Featuring large screen sizes and is built around the Dynamic IslandNotch to make sure you can enjoy every pixel of your game. This pack features the following colors: New Black New Red White Info Supports the iPhone X and newer Includes the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.

Retro 3DS XL Pack

2024-05-08 2:37AM


About The Retro 3DS XL Pack pays homage to the Nintendo 3DS XL by recreating its launch colors for the Delta Emulator skins. Featuring large screen sizes and is built around the Dynamic IslandNotch to make sure you can enjoy every pixel of your game. This pack features the following colors: BlueBlack Red Black Info Supports the iPhone X and newer Includes the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.

Retro 3DS Pack

2024-05-08 2:34AM


About The Retro 3DS Pack pays homage to the Nintendo 3DS by recreating its launch colors for the Delta Emulator skins. Featuring large screen sizes and is built around the Dynamic IslandNotch to make sure you can enjoy every pixel of your game. This pack features the following colors: Aqua Blue Cobalt Blue Cosmo Black Flame Red Midnight Purple Pearl Pink Info Supports the iPhone X and newer Includes the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.

Retro DSi XL

2024-05-08 2:29AM


About The Retro DSi XL Pack pays homage to the Nintendo DSi XL by recreating its launch colors for the Delta Emulator skins. Featuring large screen sizes and is built around the Dynamic IslandNotch to make sure you can enjoy every pixel of your game. This pack features the following colors: Bronze Burgundy Metallic Rose Midnight Blue Info Supports the iPhone X and newer Includes the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.

Retro DSi Pack

2024-05-08 2:23AM


About The Retro DSi Pack honors the Nintendo DSi by sporting their launch colors for a blast from the past! It prioritizes screen size and ensures that Dynamic IslandNotch doesn't interfere with your screen so you can enjoy every pixel of gameplay. This pack includes the following colors: Black Light blue Matte Blue Matte Red Metallic blue Pink Info This Pack supports the iPhone X and newer. Supports the Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layout coming soon.

Retro NDS Lite Pack

2024-05-08 2:14AM


About The Retro NDS Lite Pack pays homage to the DS Lite and its launch colors. Prioritizing screen size and ensuring the Dynamic IslandNotch doesn't interfere with your game. This pack includes the following colors: Candy Pink Metallic Rose Metallic Silver Onyx Polar White Info These skins support iPhone X and later Currently supports Portrait layout. Landscape and iPad layouts coming soon.