Joined: 2024-12-15

This member's skins

Touch-Centric, Edge-to-Edge1.0
2024-12-15 2:34AM

I made this skin to play the DS Zelda games comfortably on my phone. It works with other games as well. My main goal was to have two big screens with an accurateish gap between them, and small buttons for any auxiliary actions such as using the Start or LR button in the Zelda games. The buttons are misaligned, so anyone who wants to clean this skin up is welcome to it just please let me know about it so I can use it too! Please Enjoy. I used Pixel Miku's Buttonless DS skin as a starting point https:deltaskins.github.ionds.html Shoutouts to C7XL's Dark NDS skin which I use for button only heavy games like Dragon Quest IX.