Joined: 2024-12-04

UchihaObito's skins

Fightstick GBA Skin for iPhone1.0
2024-12-05 6:30PM

I prepared a new skin where all 4 buttons are close to each other. It can be useful for fighting games or other similar games. I made it by trying to combine a minimalist design with the largest possible game screen size. You can touch the game screen and so toogle fast forward. It is compatible with all iPhones with or without a notch. Also, Don't forget to set the controller opacity to 100 to see the real colors. If you have any criticisms about the design, please state them. If you want to buy me a coffee

Minimalist GBA Skins for iPhone1.0
2024-12-05 5:48PM

I have prepared a new skin by trying to combine a minimalist design with the largest possible game screen size. You can touch the game screen and so toogle fast forward. There are quick save, quick load, AB buttons. It is compatible with all iPhones with or without a notch. Also, Don't forget to set the controller opacity to 100 to see the real colors. If you have any criticisms about the design, please state them. If you want to buy me a coffee

NDS Real Fullscreen Skin for iPhone with Controllers1.0
2024-12-05 5:36PM

Only when connected with a controller. There are only menu, toggle fast forward, quick save and quick load buttons. Screen is at maximum size. Note: Only for iPhones with a notch. Also, set Player 1 to Touch Screen and Player 2 to Gamepad to bypass Delta's layout by default when a gamepad is connected. Don't forget to set the controller opacity to 100 to see the real colors. If you have any criticisms about the design, please state them. If you want to buy me a coffee

NDS Real Fullscreen iPad Skin (Portrait and Landscape)1.0
2024-12-05 5:03PM

This is a horizontal and vertical full screen iPad skin. There are no buttons on the screen. The aspect ratio of each screen on Nintendo DS is 4:3. So to avoid any errors in the aspect ratio, I prepared skins for three different iPad aspect ratios. Also, I added invisible delta menu button in the upper left corner, a start button in the upper right corner, and a toggle fast forward button in the middle of the upper screen for only Portrait Skin. Note: If you want to play with a controller, set Player 1 to Touch Screen and Player 2 to Gamepad to bypass Delta's layout by default in the settings. If you want to buy me a coffee