BlueSteve945's skins
N64 controller but Mario
2024-11-10 5:00AM
This is a Nintendo 64 controller but it has more Mario Even in landscape mode Disclaimer: I did not make the skin I am just reposting it from this website: https:skins4delta.compagesn64
Switch GBA
2024-11-10 3:09AM
Ever wondered how the Game Boy advance would look like as a switch? No? Well here's the skin anyway Disclaimer: I did not create this can I am just reposting it from this website: https:deltaskins.github.iogba.html
American Splendor GBA
2024-11-10 2:30AM
It's American Splendor cool, right? Disclaimer: I did not create this, I am just reposting it from this website: https:deltaskins.github.iogba.html