Big Buttons skins
2025-01-29 3:15AM
This is my first skin, made specifically for landscape mode on the iPad Mini 6. I hope you like it! :
2025-01-26 10:06PM
This ultimately changes the pink color of the standard DS skin to a nice rich Dark Blue color. I am the owner but I used some designs in creation from JWiLLeh's NotPink DS Black Skin. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown.
2024-09-04 5:48PM
A dpad that curvesrotates 22 degrees and function properly the pain going through the dpad is insane
2024-08-08 2:52AM
Skin Release Notes: Original Game Boy Edition Available in both PRETENDO and COLOR screens Available in both Filtered and NonFiltered Screens the original battery LED is used as a Filter OnOff Label NewUpdated Screen Filter design specific for the Game Boy screen size and pixel dimensions In addition to the Toggle Fast Forward button, there is a hidden Fast Foward button on the screendisplay that allows for you to fast forward as long as you hold it. There are also invisible combination AB buttons located above and below the A and B buttons. For clarity the following are the naming conventions used in the file name F FILTERED
2024-08-07 6:50PM
Unique FIRE DESTRUCTION modern Delta skin for Nintendo DS in for all Apple devices. face ID iPhones dynamic island, notch touch ID iPhones iPads portrait, landscape, splitscreen Love what I'm doing? Premium pack with 3 fire options and no branding available: PREMIUM FLAMETASTIC DELTASKINS Thank you for considering supporting my work Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability touch display conveniently placed for easy touch input ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are f
2024-08-05 9:23AM
SEGA GAME GEAR SONIC SPINBALL controller, it has a portrait mode with ToggleFastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' looking landscape mode with ToggleFastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well.I adore this game as a kid it was one of my favorites good to have it back in mobile form : Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could.TESTED WITH IGNITED A FORK OF DELTA AVAILABLE gtgt HERE ltlt CONTROLS DPAD CONTROLS SONIC ANY BUTTON JUMPS1 LEFT FILPPER2 RIGHT FLIPPERDOUBLE FLIPPER BUTTON
2024-08-05 9:19AM
SEGA GAME GEAR PINBALL controller, it has a portrait mode with ToggleFastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' looking landscape mode with ToggleFastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could.TESTED WITH IGNITED A FORK OF DELTA AVAILABLE gtgt HERE ltlt GAMES TESTED!!! Pinball DreamsWizard Pinball Default Controls FLIPPER BUTTONS 1 TILTDefault Controls FLIPPER BUTTONS Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay s
2024-07-30 10:21PM
This is a different kind of skin for the GAMEBOY COLOR dedicated to Dance Dance Revolution games, it has a portrait mode with ToggleFastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a landscape mode with ToggleFastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well.I was only able to find JAPAN versions of the games? : Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Have the DPAD mode set to ON in the main menu for it to work. press any button but STARTThe game seemed like it's pointless to play without the dance pad, but the game
2024-07-30 8:59PM
SEGA MASTER SYSTEM PINBALL controller, it has a portrait mode with ToggleFastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' looking landscape mode with ToggleFastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could.TESTED WITH IGNITED A FORK OF DELTA AVAILABLE gtgt HERE ltlt GAMES TESTED!!! SONIC SPINBALL Default Controls FLIPPER BUTTONS Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like wha
2024-07-30 8:52PM
SEGA MASTER SYSTEM controller, it has a portrait mode with ToggleFastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'controller' looking landscape mode with ToggleFastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could.TESTED WITH IGNITED A FORK OF DELTA AVAILABLE gtgt HERE ltlt Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it woul