Transparent skins

Delta Micro GBA - For Tiny Gamepads


2024-08-26 2:41PM


This skin is made to use with the 8BitDo Micro controller! It would work with the 8BitDo Zero as well and any other controller at the same size of course.I used those tiny suction pads in order to mount the controller on my iPhone screen. Currently only for GBA, but I plan to upload soon versions for each console aside N64 as you need a dual stick controller for it to workI plan to make a DS version first with the controller in the middle and the game screens above and below it. Only for Edge to Edge devices as smaller screens won't fit the controller properly.

Ignited SNES


2024-07-31 3:29AM


Created by LitRitt, developer of the Ignited emulator. This skin is intended to be used with Ignited, but is compatible with Delta. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown. Tap the screen to speed up!

Ignited NES


2024-07-31 3:29AM


Created by LitRitt, developer of the Ignited emulator. This skin is intended to be used with Ignited, but is compatible with Delta. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown. Tap the screen to speed up!

Ignited GBC


2024-07-31 3:25AM


Created by LitRitt, developer of the Ignited emulator. This skin is intended to be used with Ignited, but is compatible with Delta. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown. Tap the screen to speed up!

Ignited GBA


2024-07-31 3:24AM


Created by LitRitt, developer of the Ignited emulator. This skin is intended to be used with Ignited, but is compatible with Delta. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown. Tap the screen to speed up!

Ignited DS


2024-07-31 3:23AM


Created by LitRitt, developer of the Ignited emulator. This skin is intended to be used with Ignited, but is compatible with Delta. Supports all display types. Standard displays not shown in the graphic. Splitview is supported, but not shown. Tap the top screen to speed up!

SimpleDS for iPad


2024-07-20 2:54AM


SimpleDS provides a nofrills, lightweight option for playing DS titles on the iPad, giving you a big view to focus on either the top or bottom screen, with an easy to use button layout. The button overlay is affected by the transparency settings, so you can make them subtle or stand out against the plain black background. This skin for use only on the iPad, on either landscape or portrait mode. The zip file contains two versions of the skin, the one named SimpleDSInv switches the top and bottom screens for games where the main action is on the bottom screen.



2024-05-12 1:39PM


A fullscreen NDS portrait skin made for Standard devices only. Using Simple NDS skin by felix6506 as a base, it has quick SaveLoad and supports transparency. The Delta logo is the menu button

Line Skin GBA


2024-05-12 12:54PM


A simple landscape GBA skin made for Standard devices only. It has quick SaveLoad, hold or toggle fast forwarding, and supports transparency.

BasicSkin NDS, Standard only

Anomalous Cabbage

2024-05-01 4:57AM


Standard only landscape NDS skin with quicksave, fastfoward and large buttons. The hitboxes of the buttons are larger than they appear so that they're impossible to miss. Has Dpadless version if you dont want it on the screen. I made this for myself but I might as well upload it