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Idle GBA1.2


2024-05-21 8:01PM


Idle GBA is a Delta skin that works really well with slow game boy RPGs like Pokemon and Fire Emblem. You can press every button with just your right or left thumb, making it perfect for public transit or while holding a baby. This is probably a terrible controller for action games.



2024-05-21 10:21AM


This GBA MARIO EDITION Skin has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated



2024-05-20 9:33PM


I saw the BMO GameBoy Color ROM, and I knew what the first skin I was going to make was going to be. I hope you enjoy this just as much as I have. Thank you. Additional note: While I made this skin arranging buttons, adding code, I used assets from the internet and canrsquot find the source to honor. Please feel free to edit and use this skin however yoursquod like. All I ask is that you add me to your credited list. Thank you. : Lochwoods

PlayLite GBC


2024-05-20 7:45PM


Play your monochromatic Game Boy games in a new way! I wanted to experiment with some overlay filters for the screen, trying out different looks and backlighting for classic devices on an Analoguestyle device. LCD overlay styles: Dark Game Boy Medium Game Boy Pocket Light iPod Backlight overlay styles: Teal Game Boy Light Blue iPod Mini with backlight Green Press the main screen to quickly fast forward. Four button layout with inverted A and B buttons at the top. Press inbetween the A and B buttons for AB button. Compatible with edgetoedge iPhones and iPhones with home buttons. Works best with oldschool black amp white Game Boy games. Portraitmode only.

epicpal SNES+


2024-05-20 5:34PM


All credit goes to epicpal on Discord. I am not the creator of these skins. epicpal is not active on the discord anymore so I am posting their magnificent skins here. Supports EdgeToEdge displays only. Intended for use with the Ignited fork of Delta, but still compatible with Delta.

epicpal NES+


2024-05-20 5:33PM


All credit goes to epicpal on Discord. I am not the creator of these skins. epicpal is not active on the discord anymore so I am posting their magnificent skins here. Supports EdgeToEdge displays only. Intended for use with the Ignited fork of Delta, but still compatible with Delta.

epicpal N64+


2024-05-20 5:32PM


All credit goes to epicpal on Discord. I am not the creator of these skins. epicpal is not active on the discord anymore so I am posting their magnificent skins here. Supports EdgeToEdge displays only. Intended for use with the Ignited fork of Delta, but still compatible with Delta.

epicpal GBC+


2024-05-20 5:31PM


All credit goes to epicpal on Discord. I am not the creator of these skins. epicpal is not active on the discord anymore so I am posting their magnificent skins here. Supports EdgeToEdge displays only. Intended for use with the Ignited fork of Delta, but still compatible with Delta.

epicpal GBA+


2024-05-20 5:30PM


All credit goes to epicpal on Discord. I am not the creator of these skins. epicpal is not active on the discord anymore so I am posting their magnificent skins here. Supports EdgeToEdge displays only. Intended for use with the Ignited fork of Delta, but still compatible with Delta.

exclusively for Pokémon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire


2024-05-20 4:07PM


caution!The current version does not support play on screen sizes of iPhone 10 or later. It is supported on iPhone SE.Maybe it will be addressed with an update. This skin is a skin created just for playing Pokeacutemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire comfortably.With the previous skin, if you focused too much on the screen when playing Pokeacutemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire, you would often miss pressing the small judgment button.But with this skin, you won't miss any presses due to the large buttons.This skin has large buttons for left and right flippers and platform shaking, allowing you to play more comfortably than before. In addition, in order to play comfortably u



2024-05-19 4:46AM


Now with an option for righthanded or lefthanded preference! Ability to swap screens by tapping the nontouch screen Beta only Easyaccess Quick Save, Quick Load, and Fast Forward buttons Optimized for iPhone 1415 Plus Custom DPad mapping ensures accurate movement now with diagonals!



2024-05-18 10:46PM


My GBC PIKACHU Skin has a 'console' looking portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Screen in landscape mode isn't as high as it should be but it dosn't look any worse for it. Available in normal and a classic green screen.You can set each game to use a certain skin I have all my Gameboy games set to use the green screen version so it's old skool! Any bugs o



2024-05-17 9:47PM


This GBA PIKACHU Skin has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated

Tall Thumbs v3v3


2024-05-17 6:56PM


For folks with larger hands, more comfortable reach.

GBA Yellowjacketv2


2024-05-16 2:50PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Advance. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Yellowjacket Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

GBC Yellowjacketv2


2024-05-16 1:52PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Yellowjacket Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

Paul Thorsen Retro


2024-05-16 12:39AM


Paul Thorsen Retro Skin Supports Standard and EdgeToEdge displays only. Skin is originally created by Paul Thorsen for use with the old GBA4iOS app. I merely made it compatible with Delta.

Idle GBC1.2


2024-05-15 8:06PM


Idle GBC is a Delta skin that works really well with slow game boy RPGs like Pokemon and Final Fantasy Legends. You can press every button with just your right or left thumb, making it perfect for public transit or while holding a baby. This is probably a terrible controller for action games.

Genshin Furina GBA Portrait Skin1.0


2024-05-14 12:33PM


Genshin Furina GBA Portrait Skin



2024-05-14 11:12AM


This GBA MICRO Style Skin has a portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. Any bugs or anything please leave a comment and remember stay safe and save that state! If you like what I have made and it gives you a little bit of joy please feel free to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated