Fast Forward skins



2024-07-07 9:36PM


This is a different kind of skin for the NES it's dedicated to TETRIS games, it has a portrait mode with QuickLoad, QuickSave and a landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. BIG BLOCK TURNING BUTTONS, as well as the DPAD in portrait mode in the middle of controls for left and right handed people. DOUBLE DPAD's in landscape mode for left and right handed people but I found myself I'm right handed using both of them as it just felt right!



2024-07-04 12:38PM


FZERO SKIN which has a 'console' looking portrait mode with FastFoward, QuickLoad, QuickSave and a 'console' looking landscape mode with FastFoward and QuickSave and QuickLoad, all seems to work well. Compatibility Edge to Edge Display, iPhone X and above so anything higher should be fine. Not compatible with iPhone SE Gen 13. Tried to keep the screen BIG in landscape as much as I could. ACCELERATE is A blue and BRAKE is CDOWN yellow as well as SKID ZR cyan. THUMBSTICK instead of a DPAD works well for this game! DRIFT is Z and R orange, doubletap for a Side Attack. SPIN is hold Z purple, near the THUMBSTICK and double tap R orange and vice versa for left or right

NDS Purplegust


2024-07-03 7:16PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Nintendo DS. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Purplegust Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensizes while maintaining usability a thumbfriendly touch input of right hand DS ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoric

NDS Solardark


2024-07-03 7:14PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Nintendo DS. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Solardark Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensizes while maintaining usability a thumbfriendly touch input of right hand DS ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoricz

NDS Moonduskv2


2024-07-03 7:12PM


Minimalist modern Delta skin for Nintendo DS for all Apple devices! face ID iPhones dynamic island, notch touch ID iPhones iPads portrait, landscape, splitscreen Love what I'm doing? Premium pack with Bloodmoon amp Truemoon variants and no branding! available: MOONDUSK PREMIUM PACK Thank you for considering supporting my work Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability touch display conveniently placed for easy touch input ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidde

GBC Blackhole


2024-07-03 7:08PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Blackhole Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

GBC Purplegust


2024-07-03 7:06PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Purplegust Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

GBC Shadowleaf


2024-07-03 7:03PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Shadowleaf Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

GBC Solardark


2024-07-03 7:02PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Solardark Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions

GBC Moondusk


2024-07-03 7:00PM


Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Moondusk Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions