Dark Mode skins
2024-07-03 7:08PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Blackhole Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 7:06PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Purplegust Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 7:03PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Shadowleaf Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 7:02PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Solardark Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 7:00PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Color. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Moondusk Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 6:57PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Advance. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Love my skins? Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Purplegust Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 6:46PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Advance. Designed for Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Shadowleaf Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 6:44PM
Ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Advance. Designed for the Dynamic island devices, works on all FaceID iPhones. Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: Moondusk Supporter Edition Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire: kofi.comtoriczcommissions
2024-07-03 6:38PM
Free ergonomic first minimalist modern Delta skin for Game Boy Advance for all Apple devices. face ID iPhones dynamic island, notch touch ID iPhones iPads portrait, landscape, splitscreen Supporter edition with no TORISKINS branding available: kofi.coms7324c95190 Features: OLED night friendly maximum screensize while maintaining usability portrait, landscape ergohold invisible button layout tested for ideal button size and placement accessible speed toggle well positioned quicksave amp quickload buttons Resale and source file manipulation are forbidden. Commissions available for color alteration, layout changes and other unique features you desire. ko
2024-06-30 5:41PM
Update: Portrait skins released. All new WiiUDS Black skin for NDS. Supports all compatible iPhones. As of 130724, WiiUDS is incompatible with the latest update of Delta v1.6 on iPad. Revised iPad skins will be released in the coming weeks. If you have the older version of Delta on your iPad, the skin will continue to function until the app is updated. Portrait: Control the CStick by dragging your finger over the circular area. Release your finger to reset the CStick's position to the center. Landscape: Reversible top and bottom screens Simultaneous thumbstick and DPad input Minor improvements to button mapping and overall skin design